As Christmas approached, and our date with the family neared, we were Oklahoma bound. Soon Colorado Springs was in the rearview mirror and the wide open spaces were ahead. The trip was our longest since California. We drove from Pueblo, down through the long and lonely Kiowa Grasslands and into Tucumcari, New Mexico where we picked up Route 66. We cruised the main drag of Tucumcari and bathed in the neon glow of the old hotel signs. Places like the Blue Swallow, the Apache hotel, and La Cita. We camped at a little city park in San Jon rocked to sleep by the buffeting high plains winds. The next day we rolled across the texas line. After a brief stop at Cadillac Ranch (where the truth came out about Cate’s eating habits),
we made our way to Lake Meridith outside of Amarillo. We attempted to set up on a high bluff overlooking the lake, but a front was coming in and the winds were a sustained 65 mph. It was nearly impossible to open the camper door, and the wind damaged our truck’s door. After a fair bit of frustration, we moved tray tray to a lower sheltered area. On our way out of Amarillo, we did the obligitory stop by The Big Texan. I used to go there as a kid, it is an Amarillo staple.
We checked out a few route 66 sights in Shamrock and the midpoint in Adrian before settling in to our final campsite in Elk City, OK. Another lakeside campsite. The bonus was free electricity and concrete pads!
We caught a nice sunset and tried to distract ourselves from the depressing feeling of our trip being over by thinking about the family we were about to see, and watching a movie. The next morning, we pulled up stakes and made the journey across Oklahoma and into the warm welcome of our family.
Road-worn and weary TrayTray was tucked all snug next to the barn for it’s mid-winter rest. We washed our truck, and ourselves, and tried to get used to sleeping in a house again. With the influx of family, and a limited amount of beds, we gladly moved back to the camper for a few days. Christmas was magical, we got to catch up with long missed brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and grandparents.
The Camper’s trip may be over for a couple of months, we will continue to the Arizona in a few days, then Indiana, then back “home” to Asheville to sell the house, get the goat, before returning to pick up Tray for the final leg back to Colorado (or Oregon, or Washington). Our blog posts will be fewer for a few months but will still pop up. Thanks so much for following us on our incredible journey. Stay tuned for more awesome content as we sift through our collected media, and keep an eye out for our upcoming camper/rv related store!
Chad, Cate, Maggie, and TrayTray
PS- check out our latest write up! This time by Outside Interests online magazine