We made a pilgrimage to our former home of Asheville, NC to witness the marriage of our dear friends Mark & Betts, and to check in with all of our family, friends, and the goat.
To start, we secured lodging for Maggie, Traytray, and the GMC on bainbridge island at cate’s high school room mates place. Thanks Amy!
Our airline was Frontier, and for the record, you get what you pay for. The planes were clearly preowned and featured such amenities as peeling paint, non-reclining seats, and paperback sized tray tables. Since you are reading this, you can be assured me made it there and back in one piece.
We were greeted at 4:30 am at the airport by our friends Mike and Rebecca who even brought us mimosas!
Paul and Elaine graciously opened their home to us and Tom and BJ lent us their second car for a week in which we found out western North Carolina was smack dab in the middle of a gas shortage. We are ever so thankful to them. We visited our old haunt the Cascade lounge, and dropped in on our old house to swap out some winter stuff Say hi to our frenants (Teau and Beth), and get the mail. The next day we picked up the Franks ( our goat for those of you that don’t know us ).

We had dinner with Kepler and were thrilled to see his first apartment.
The “Wee-man” ain’t so wee no more!
Saturday we had the honor and privilege attend the wedding. The bride and groom were radiant 💑 .
Sunday we were finally able to visit with my beautiful daughter at the guitar bar ! Monday was off to the Thompson cabin, with a tasty cake made by Maddy, for some good ol’ Appalachian re-u-night’n.
Finally tuesday night we were driven back to Charlotte airport by this scallywag and his lady (escaping before the riots broke out) all the while pondering the all too familliar perplexities of asheville.
Stay tuned for our next blog, brought to you from Squamish, British Columbia🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦